moon over buffalo

moon over buffalo

theatre at the center, 2000

By Ken Ludwig

Direction by Michael Weber


“Director Michael Weber's cast plays the material for all it's worth, and maybe a little bit more. [Hollis] Resnik, in her diva mode, is perfect as the game, still-glamorous Charlotte; and Benson, with inexhaustible energy and invention, has in the flamboyant George a role that allows him full expression of both his comic and dramatic talents. And, he gets a drunk scene, which is divine….It is, as they used to say back in the '50s, "a laff riot."

Richard Christiansen, Chicago Tribune

“Director Michael Weber realizes the play’s comic intent with controlled wit. The audience rewards the ensemble’s boundless energy with well-deserved laughter.”

Jenn Goddu – Chicago Sun Times


Pal Joey